
3 mindset keys to a healthy and productive life

3 mindset keys to a healthy and productive life 

As you may know I have been training, researching, and teaching martial arts for most of my life. I'm 45 years old, so this is a lot of years we are talking about. Still, I don't consider myself a master, or an enlightened teacher, mainly because I don't want to stop improving (otherwise I would as I’m pretty awesome 😊).

I have seen this in so many people, that when they reach a certain level of proficiency in a field, they tend to consider themselves a learnt (and sometimes snobby) individual and just do their thing, leaving no room for improvement or change. 

On the other hand, there are many people, like me up until I got the confidence boost from my lovely, amazing, beautiful and super-smart wife (she’s the one checking and posting these on the blog, so this is for her own benefit everyone please indulge me), who never consider themselves adequate to get out there and act. 

Both ways of action are flawed as you can understand. People who don't adapt to change are bound to stay behind, especially in our modern-day fast-moving world, whereas people who are never acting are out of the game altogether. And neither sounds healthy or productive. How do we find this balance between overconfidence and being overly timid? 

I see people becoming teachers after a summer course, especially in unregulated disciplines (this is in Greece) such as Yoga, Taichi, Qigong, meditation and mindfulness, and then I know extremely able teachers that keep a low profile and shy away from any kind of publicity. It is a narrow line that we must tread on, and I believe that a proper mindset is tantamount to finding this everchanging silver lining.  

To me, the most important thing is to have the beginner’s mindset, the mindset of a student. As Einstein said: " We cannot solve our problems with the same level of thinking that created them." Therefore, my efforts fall on making my students realize this. Always be a student by cultivating an open minded, inquisitive, and self-humorous approach in your every endeavour. 

-1- open-mindedness 

Open-minded means listening without prejudice, so that if something sounds interesting you try it out for a reasonable amount of time to see if it works for you and then decide whether it suits you or not. We usually start with the latter, and even that with an average attention span of 8 seconds (thanks social media!!), missing out on a lot of useful and interesting things. Truth can come from any person, regardless of what we may think of them (your feelings don’t matter in this case, most of the times they are just in the way). 

When Banzan (a Zen practitioner) was walking through a market he overheard a conversation between a butcher and his customer. 

“Give me the best piece of meat you have,” said the customer. 

“Everything in my shop is the best,” replied the butcher. “You cannot find here any piece of meat that is not the best.” 

At these words Banzan became enlightened. 

Now I know you are not Banzan, who was an ardent Zen meditation practitioner, so maybe a random conversation might not get your Qi flowing like it did for him, but how many times have you found inspiration to a problem at a place where you never even would have considered? Life can surprise us, if we are open to that. But to remain open you must also have a bit of an inquisitive spirit, looking for ways to better understand yourself and others hence the second mindset key: 

-2- inquisitiveness 

Inquisitive means not to do everything on auto pilot. A quote by Eleanor Roosevelt fits here:

“Life must be lived, and curiosity kept alive. One must never, for whatever reason, turn his back on life.”

Of course, you cannot question every action you take all the time, but it is necessary to review occasionally, the way you deal with things both internally and externally. If something works okay, why not make it better? If something works very well, why not see what it is that makes it work? Maybe you can apply this to other things as well.

And of course, if something doesn't work, well isn't it about time you change it? The moment you are no longer looking at life as a child who wishes to understand how and why things work like they do, then it is a dull and uninteresting existence you are living.

You are taking everything for granted thus making the opportunity for change and growth very difficult. And change, although it scares us and we are pretty bad at it, is not something that needs to be taken so seriously. That is why I find this last mindset key so important. 

-3- self-humour 

Self-humorous means not to take ourselves so seriously. Why is that so important? Well, if you take yourself too seriously, how can you accept the fact that you might be wrong, and then how can you change when changing this super important self is what is required?

Our bodies change every day, so why is it so hard to have our minds follow, if that is what is required to move forward? Well, the reason is of course that we have invested so much on our sense of self, this hodgepodge of beliefs, ideas and the emotions that come with them, that we find it nigh impossible to let go. We are totally invested, and God forbid if anyone takes it lightly.

Relationships have ended, business partnerships hell even wars have started for a slight on a leader’s Ego, especially in countries where honour is a high held value. At the same time, we can see that this is also such a burden, and one that is keeping us from reaching our full potential.

So, a healthy way to poke holes in this construction and see it for what it is, a made-up construct for social interactions, is to allow ourselves and others to make fun of it.  Laugh at yourself, laugh at your silly mistakes and laugh at your long-held ideas that are no longer working, hell laugh at those that are also working, because in the end, life is way more fun when you realize that you are not the centre of it.


To sum up, if you are in the process of self-exploration (and not just in the kinky way), try to remain open-minded, inquisitive, and self-deprecating as much as you can.

It can really help in making your life a healthy and productive one. 

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Zen for most people means to decorate your space as minimally as possible, preferably adding some stones and/or water fountains, and smiling all day even when shit really hits the fan. Now this might be new information to some of you, but Zen is the Japanese equivalent to the Chinese word Ch’an, which in turn derived from the Sanskrit word Dhyana, meaning in essence ‘meditation’. It is an offshoot of Buddhism, and yet teachings like “If you meet the Buddha, kill him” attributed to the Zen master Linji Yixuan, are very prominent for all their ambiguity, or because of it. So, who cares about this weird oriental religion/philosophy? Well, apart from the people living in countries where Zen is part of their culture and they are quite a few, there has been a growing number of people all over the rest of the world that find this oriental mumbo jumbo intriguing. Something about its rebellious, non-conforming attitude and the minimal stylistic approach seems to be resonating with many people from all over the world. But is that the only thing that we as outsiders can gain from this philosophy? Or can we really hear the sound of one hand clapping? Zen, at least according to my understanding, is about gaining a moment-to-moment clear experience of the present. No doctrines, no inner dialogue, no preconceived ideas, not even teachers (hence kill the Buddha) should stand between you and what is now. It is not that studying, or following a teacher are to be avoided, it is just that all these things can only get you until one point. The last step, the moment of realization, that is something that can only happen when all discussions have ended, both inside and outside.
By Patrick Karantinos July 26, 2021
This is my first entry to this blog, my first blog (double whammy ), and just yesterday I was talking with my wife (sorry ladies, this stud is taken) about how in less than a year, things have changed so fast in my life. New site, with a blog this time, Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin and a Youtube channel, my content requirements have skyrocketed. I just wanted to give you a glimpse of what I am about and perhaps help you by sharing what has helped me along the way and given me strength, physically and mentally. So, what has really helped me go through life's difficulties? Well apart from my friends and family, who have been there on most if not all bad turns on the way, there has been one thing that has worked each time. And that is treating life's difficulties as a challenge, a chance to apply the teachings and not as a problem. Something that, mind you, is not easy but the results are always satisfying in the end. I am not going to get into the teachings per se here, as that requires books and not a mere blog entry, I will though talk about the ground for those teachings to flourish, a state of mind where there is only the action and not the actor. This state of no ego is a means to an end in itself, as when one lives and acts on that plane, everything is transformed. Clarity of mind, equanimity, vitality and better focus are some of the natural side effects of this state. But how does one reach this state? Don't you have to meditate like, forever? I'm way too busy to spend two hours a day meditating... and so on so forth. These are some possible arguments which it will be my pleasure to dispel. First of all, how does one reach this state. Ninjutsu Grandmaster Hatsumi Sensei says that when training, we must all train with the heart of a three-year old child. No hesitation, no second thoughts, no worrying about the result, complete and utter focus on the goal. How to get there is secondary for them, intention and unity is first. Just observe yourself, body, and mind. You can start with easy everyday activities like brushing your teeth or washing up. When doing these things observe everything that is coming through your senses and then go inside and observe what you think and how you feel. The only trick to that, which makes the quantum difference, is that you must be an observer and not a judge and that you must not linger on any thought or feeling for more than the moment when it comes. Acknowledge them, never letting your mind get too involved. Just remain an impassive observer by always returning to observation and letting go of judgement. This if done frequently on a daily basis, is enough to give you a glimpse of what it means to be in a state of no mind. Our minds already have a certain momentum which makes it difficult to only observe without getting involved. And this is why training body and mind via any traditional art is so important. Because you create a different momentum in your mind, one of focusing on the moment, body, mind and soul if you will. Using the two together, mindful observation in everyday life and traditional martial arts training, can be very rewarding. I remember the first time I got involved in mindfully observing myself. I hadn't been training and meditating for a long time and everything was new and exciting. So, when I read a book on mindfulness (“Meditation in Action” by Chögyam Trungpa), I immediately began to practice it in my everyday life. Not long after that, it might have been a month or so I don't remember (please be understanding I'm talking about more than 20 years ago), I was gone for a summer holiday, camping by the sea in Evia. I recall waking up because of the heat and getting out of the tent. It was super sunny and there was a pleasant wind blowing. I grabbed my towel which was hanging on my tent and at that moment, there was peace. No thought, no emotion just peace, an emptiness that somehow enveloped everything: myself, the beach, the sky, the sun, my towel. What followed was a super blissful state of arriving and then just like that, the moment my mind caught up with it, it vanished. Now, still after all these years, this practice of mindful observation has been the catalyst to most of my precious moments and periods in life, the guiding factor in making me who I am and what I do. It has given me clear insight to many of my deeply rooted issues and has given me the reassurance that whatever the problem, just by looking at it and not judging it, I will find the right way to deal with it. I was not and am not someone special in any way, I 've just had the curiosity and the perseverance to carry on with it. I'm sure that you can too! I honestly hope that this has been helpful for you guys. Thanks for reading, until then feel free to contact me for feedback, more information and requests on other topics you 'd like to hear about (related to martial arts training and mindfulness of course, not advanced mathematics or building an igloo or something). Patrick
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